速報APP / 通訊 / Voice Recorder with Caller ID

Voice Recorder with Caller ID





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Bagsvaerdvej 90 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖1)-速報App

Voice Recorder is a sound recorder with a difference. It’s more than just a standard voice recorder app – it’s a recording app with a smart link to calls. It allows you to record quick audio reminders right after a phone call is completed, and the smart caller ID functionality automatically adds the caller’s name to the recording title – even for contacts not in your phone book. With Voice Recorder you can record a voice note or reminder to yourself, about the phone call you just completed – it will automatically be saved with the caller’s name and number as part of the title.

With our handy recorder app there is no more forgetting what you just agreed on during a phone call while you look for a pen and paper to write down a date, time, or contact name. At the end of each call you will see a screen with the caller’s details, and a one-click function that allows you to record an audio memo.

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖2)-速報App

With this voice recorder app your phone instantly becomes a power sound recorder with any great features, including sound record, voice record, and quick record after calls.

The caller ID also helps you avoid spam calls. It displays information on who is calling even if the caller isn’t in your phonebook (you get warnings for more than 1 million spam numbers worldwide).

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖3)-速報App

Should you like to save the number, you just click once - no need to type in the name or number manually.

What you get with this voice recording app:

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖4)-速報App

• Audio Recorder: Record voice or other sound quickly and easily.

• Real-time Caller ID: Always know who’s calling.

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖5)-速報App

• Voice record: One-click recording directly after phone calls.

• Spam warning: Get warnings for more than 1 million spam numbers worldwide.

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖6)-速報App

• Save contacts: Save unknown contacts with one click after each call.

• Re-dial number: One click re-dial number.

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖7)-速報App

• SMS: One click to text contact after each call. No need to input the number again.

Voice Recorder with Caller ID(圖8)-速報App